Do I earn commission on sales made through my Snapwhite Ambassador page?
  Yes! We pay our Affiliates a generous commission on each product sold through their Snapwhite Ambassador page or from their unique coupon codes.
When will I be paid?

We pay our Ambassadors every two weeks and on Fridays.

How long must I be an Ambassador with Snapwhite?
    Our contracts with our Ambassadors are not bound by a certain time frame of agreement. Either party can terminate partnership at any time.
Is there a minimum I have to sell each month?
No, there is no minimum number of sales needed. However, if the total amount of commission is less than $50 in a pay period, the amount will roll over to the next month and be added to the next month’s total commission payout.
Are your products Vegan and FDA registered?
Yes! Our products are Vegan and cruelty-free. Our products are also registered with the FDA.
Why a bunny?
  Why not? What do you have against bunnies?
Ready to Join? 
More Questions? No prob. Contact Terran, Our Ambassador Team Manager

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